Loving Teachers & Loving Schools

In this section I will be sharing media reports and e-mails from readers about developments in education today,focusing especially upon loving teachers and schools.

Please CONTACT ME with your suggestions.

Anecdote in Memory of Loving Teacher, Mr. Paul Johnson
By Don Perl, Coalition for Better Education Newsletter 
January 12, 2010
"I love teaching young people and music, even when ..."
 By Millie Turek, choral director and fine arts department chair at Fayette’s Sandy Creek High School   Atlanta Journal Constitution   February 24, 2009
Dr. Karen Riem, Teacher Educator, Central Connecticut State University
 "I relish the challenge of combining a love of content and children with the sciences of philosophy and learning, and the art and craft of fine pedagogy." 



Shimon Waronker: An Unlikely Principal?
YouTube and New York Times
Margaret Edson Lovingly Delivers Smith's 130th Commencement Address
"Award-winning playwright Margaret Edson, a Smith College alumna who teaches kindergarten in the Atlanta public school system, was the speaker at Smith’s 130th commencement ceremony Sunday, May 18, 2008. This is a transcript; the speech was delivered without a written text."
Linda Darling-Hammond--Hopefully Our Next U.S. Secretary of Education!!
Speaking Out from Her Heart!
Yvonne Siu-Runyan, Ph.D., Professor Emerita, The University of Northern Colorado, Incoming Vice President of the National Council Teachers of English, August 26, 2008
Karen Fecko Named Glastonbury Teacher of the Year
By Grace E. Merritt |  The Hartford Courant, September 25, 2008
A Tribute to Jim Giroux: A Loving and Master Teacher

By Dr. Linda Ball | May 15, 2008

The High School Kinship of Cristal and Queen
By Sara Rimer | The New York Times, June 24, 2007

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